Friday, June 22, 2007

Tribute To Chandigarh Monument

Chandigarh is my hometown, and i still remember the childhood days when life was more relaxed and laid back, and we would go to this place and hang around... and now some sixteen years later, i decided to go back to the most beautiful and serene place in the whole of the region. here is my tribute to the Chandigarh Hand Monument.

We were at the Chandigarh Monument, and it occurred that Chandigarh is a replica of the human form, and to draw the contrast, Shammi modelled with his hand against that of the Chandigarh Monument. Its a bit photoshopped to further enhance the feel of the photograph, i hope you like it.
it was a good photograph, and then i decided to photoshop it, and gave it that golden sky thing, it looks so surreal and so mystical, that i had to keep it so.
another of those surreal Chandigarh Monument Moments, looks brilliant. Sea green and golden sky, and the monument.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pics are awesome...The first one is the best..